Anno domini 2024 Mon, 23 Sep 19:25:38 +0000
dep via tde-users scripsit:
said Dr. Nikolaus Klepp via tde-users:
| There's an old tool called xcur2png, that let's you do about that ...
| well, from the commandline, anyway :) There was once a GIMP plugin, too,
| but that's not what I was interested in.
| I put a copy on
Does it work in reverse, converting a .png into a cursor? (Actually, I'd
prefer a .jpg-to-cursor program, because .png doesn't allow transparency.)
JPG has no transparency, PNG has :)
For creating the xcursor from pngs you have an utuility "xcursorgen" in
"x11-apps" - thta' where you define the hotspot, too. The whole workflow is
like this:
xcursor file -> xcur2png -> png(s) + config file -> xcursorgen -> xcursor
You could use GIMP to load the xcursor file, but IMO you cannot save it - which is kind of
bad. Ther was an old plugin that could do it, but it only work on gimp < 2.7.
TDEIconEdit, sadly, has never done anything I've wanted done and I'm not
sure it does anything at all with cursors. It certainly won't open them.
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