On Monday 23 May 2016 08:45:49 phiebie(a)tele2.at wrote:
Konsole is started as normal user. In it is invoked
midnight-commander. Keyboard-navigation and -keypresses are flawlessly
executed. The mouse-cursor moves if desired all over the screen.
Clicking *outside* the console starts the envisaged action on other
files, but *inside* the mc-konsole nothing happens at all when
clicking. gpm, konsole and mc all 3 are [ root:root 100755 ].
When I however start the console, then su to root and invoke mc
everything works properly!
Where else should/could I look for the apparently missing
user-permissions? Thanks.
This has all the clues of needing to:
cd to /home
sudo chown -R your-user-name:your-user-name your-user-name
Apparently something that resets things to be owned by root as been done
in your /home/your-user-name directory tree. You should own EVERYTHING
in your home directory. Running as root in your home directory is a bad
And as a bit of old school myself, I'm glad to see another mc user, its
the best swiss army knife ever.
Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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