Anno domini 2024 Mon, 16 Dec 06:47:08 +0000
dep via tde-users scripsit:
yeah, i kind of figured that out -- i have disabled the onboard networking
in favor of a standalone card and imagine it's that. what i don't
understand is why boot stopped entirely with the check of /dev/sda1, which
it found to be okay but then did not proceed, and why everything works if
i boot into rescue mode -- again, from my grub menu, not from a usb drive
or anything. and right now it is the only drive in the system.
Without the kernel bootlog nobody can say for sure. But check the SMART readings of your
hdd. It will not tell you if the controller failed. For memtest: get the memtest iso at - no silver bullet, but who knows. Indication of bad ram might be the
ram or the mainboard or the cpu ... at least you can narrow it down :)
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA,
CIA ...