It's using stock Debian 686 kernel. I can only work with what I have, no
64 machines here; for now users will need to install 64 support
manually. It should still run as-is on most machines, 1.5GHz+512 RAM
should fly compared to kde4!
There is only me doing this, updates will take some time and are many
now 3.5.13 has arrived. I will first do some "tidying up", see what bugs
come to light and post updated versions when I can.
If anyone wants to host it, modify it, fork it, help with improvements
or simply suggest how and what, great. All I ask is please respect the GPL.
It is at least good for a quick preview of 3.5.13. Do be careful if you
use the installer, it seems to work but is "experimental".
There is a rather scrappy and outdated "readme.txt" and an
installed-packages list in the CD root