J Leslie Turriff wrote:
On 2018-11-16 13:49:25 deloptes wrote:
> Nicolas Bercher wrote:
> > Where should I tell it not to emit any event sound
> Control Center -> Multimedia - Sound system
I think rather it is in Control Center ->
Multimedia ->
Notifications. There
is a selector at the top of the pane for various applications; one
has to change the settings for each one.
The problem with deselecting specific sound events is that, while the
event sound isn't played, the sound system still starts - there's
white noise for the event instead of a sound.
That had been bugging me for some time so I just tried disabling the
sound system. I appears that disabling the sound system is TDE sound
event specific, it doesn't affect multimedia playback and solves the
white noise issue.