Has anyone tried to build trinity for FreeBSD ?
I am currently building a new system based on FreeBSD and I would like
to attempt to build trinity.
I would like to create ports build if I am successful with the build.
I am studying the build from source instructions posted on the website.
I believe that this will be a difficult one as it appears that trinity
favors Linux.
The following appears to be problem areas:
Should be installed in /use/local/<whatever>.
Scripts contained in the source files have !#/bin/bash.
Do the scripts contain bash-ims?
FreeBSD used the bourne shell not bash IE #!/bin/sh.
FreeBSD uses clang instead of gcc.
FreeBSD has dropped HAL in xorg. udev not supported.
I am not intending to use linux compatibility ports, as I am looking to
run this on the FreeBSD bare metal.