On 2023-11-22 14:46:42 you wrote:
dep via tde-users wrote:
Sorry for top posting -- on the iPad, and the
ProtonMail app doesn't
allow grownup formatting.
KNode - the protonmail makes no sense, since this UL is public.
I use LibreOffice and largely hate it, precisely
*because* it is forever
adding mud flaps and fuzzy dice and other mostly useless "features." The
processing of words hasn't actually much changed since about 2000, when
embedding links became useful.
I join this statement. I prefer using Apache's OpenOffice. It is supported
and most of all stable. I guess the TDE philosophy applies there too.
But I know people, who prefer the LibreOffice version. As far as Debian
stable is used the chances to crash or loose data are minimal.
Neither LibreOffice nor OpenOffice properly supports importation of HTML
documents' CSS styling, either imbedded or external. The last mention of
providing this feature is years old. It's very frustrating; and meanwhile,
as you say, we are provided with useless "features" that provide just about
nothing. :-(
Platform: Linux
Distribution: openSUSE Leap 15.4 - x86_64
Desktop Environment: Trinity
Qt: 3.5.0
TDE: R14.1.0
tde-config: 1.0