Hello everyone,
By reading one of the last posts, I thought I could maybe try to compile
TDE ... Until now, every time I looked at the documentation, I found far too
complicated for a simple French technician. Beginning with CVS, which I find
as friendly as a prison door. Finally: re-trying...
user @ system :/.../ bin / TDE $ svn co svn: / /
anonsvn.kde.org / home /
kde / branches / trinity. /
A kdeutils / kdelirc / profiles / Makefile.am
svn: Compression of data failed svndiff
"Compression of svndiff data failed!" What can I do with this mistake! The
problem probably occurred on the server, the client must unpack only, I
suppose ... I ask but no matter the answer.
TDE is the system that I use as much as possible (I use the old to manipulate
sounds with Audacity and sometimes to use LibreOffice). I am not using a
virtual machine ... My dream is to compile TDE 3.5.12, on something like Arch
Linux or Suse 10.3, that is: a distribution without SELinux. I also had the
dream of helping the development of TDE, but you will understand from reading
this post that will remain only a dream.
There is no question in this post, but where should I indicate the existence
of this "Compression of data svndiff failed" error? This is not a bug, is it?
I talk about this error here because I noticed that the developers also read
this list ...
I love TDE an thank the developpers for the nice job they have done and still
Good luck to everyone,