On 02/07/2011 11:32 AM, Serghei Amelian wrote:
On Monday 07 February 2011 19:20:23 David C. Rankin
-- Performing Test HAVE_DBUS_QT3_07
-- Performing Test HAVE_DBUS_QT3_07 - Failed
Show me output for command "pkg-config dbus-1-qt3 --cflags"
Also, attach CMakeError.log
11:41 trinity:~/tbld/kdebase> pkg-config dbus-1-qt3 --cflags
Package dbus-1-qt3 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `dbus-1-qt3.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'dbus-1-qt3' found
Hmm. Trying:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=:/opt/trinity/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/qt/lib/pkgconfig
Same error - still no package config data for dbus, how to fix? I checked the
build directory for dbus-qt3 and no *.pc file was built. I built dbus-qt3 with:
export QTDIR=/opt/qt
export QT_XFT=true
export PATH=$PATH:$QTDIR/bin
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/opt/qt/lib/pkgconfig
patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/dbus-qt3-compile-fix-thoenig-01.patch" || return 1
patch -Np1 -i
"${srcdir}/dbus-qt3-do-not-close-shared-connection-thoenig-01.patch" || return
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var || return 1
sed -e "s|DBUS_QT3_LIBS =|DBUS_QT3_LIBS = -L${QTDIR}/lib -lqt-mt|" \
-i Makefile qt3/Makefile || return 1
make || return 1
(I have attached the patches as well)
Thank you again for all your help!
David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.