On 16-12-09 09:47 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
I made a
workaround for this problem when gkrellm weather plugin
stopped working.
It is only a Perl script (native to the plugin) to modify.
If you are interested I can send it with instructions to this
Please, send away! And thank you, as a perl geek I am not. I speak
just enough C or assembly(on a 6x09 platform), to be dangerous.
Here is the Perl
script in attachment :-)
The problem is that the URL to fetch the weather data changed and the
data format too...
The script name is: GrabWeather
To install it, replace the existing one in /usr/share/gkrellm/:
sudo cp GrabWeather /usr/share/gkrellm/
make sure it is executable:
sudo chmod 755 /usr/share/gkrellm/GrabWeather
Then restart gkrellm.
That's it!
I didn't kill the old one, but renamed it, And made all the
rights &
owners match the old one. Stopped gkrellm & restarted it several times
but no difference. The url address in the old one had been patched
once, and that is still that address in the "get your station ID at"
Running as root ./GRabWeather KCKB returns nothing, and as me:
./GrabWeather KCKB
Cannot specify both -k and -O if multiple URLs are given, or in
with -p or -r. See the manual for details.
Usage: wget [OPTION]... [URL]...
Manual? I doubt if the old one applies to this code.
Call me puzzled.
Sorry it did not worked the first time, BUT...
Could you try the new script in attachment?
Execute it at the command line with your city code as an argument.
ex: ./GrabWeather KCKB
If the script worked properly, there should be 2 files in
~/.wmWeatherReports/ directory:
Their timestamp must reflect they were just created.
When I execute it, ls -l ~/.wmWeatherReports/ gives me:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pascal pascal 98 Dec 10 07:10 KCKB.dat
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pascal pascal 601 Dec 10 07:10 KCKB.TXT
If so the script worked as expected and you can install it safely in
Hope it will be OK this time :-)