On Oct 14, 2011 7:17 AM, "Sanne" <sanne(a)lavabit.com> wrote:
On Friday 14 October 2011, Calvin Morrison wrote:
I second this! Top is an archaic and terrible
Hmm, I don't think this is very nice towards the people who wrote it.
Top may not be overly convenient for people who aren't used to command
tools, but if I want to see quickly which process hogs
most of my CPU, Top
tells me very quickly what I want to know.
I Disagree. I am a command line junkie. Top is archaic and if I recall
hasn't been maintained much or improved in a decade. Utopia is dynamic,
let's me veiw things faster easier, shows me more information especially for
multi core processors and threads. Htop is better all around. anyway I'll
leave it at that.