Hello friends,
I was hanging in the TDE website and i saw two new packages on the
master branch ( tde-style-domino and tde-style-baghira).
Will they become avalaible in the next stable TDE version ?
Does anybody use those styles on your computer ?
I'm very curious to see how it look on TDE ?
I used Baghira as my theme for years.
I ported it from sources to TDE.
Love it :-)
It works like a charm and looks really good.
I ported Kooldock too.
Nice little app I used for years too.
Hope both will be available in the next release!
By the way, if you are using Debian or Ubuntu and Preliminary Builds
Stable repository, you can in apt source alongside components deps-r14
and main-r14 add even extra-r14 and install packages right now ;)
Hi Slavek,
I was thinking about it,
I'll wait until Christmas, i planned to wait and buy a new SSD 3D with
4GB more RAM.
It will be a monster with TDE =)
Thanks to all to port those kind of theme to TDE, it's a little thing,
but produce a very result for the end user.