On 7 December 2014 at 22:49, E. Liddell <ejlddll(a)googlemail.com> wrote:
Skype needs 32-bit audio packages, which may need separate installation if
you're running a 64-bit system.
Skype does require either pulseaudio or the apulse emulator
https://github.com/i-rinat/apulse ). It doesn't require systemd (since it's
installable onto a Gentoo OpenRC-based system), but it may want to
put some files into /etc/dbus-1/system.d . The full dependency list includes
QT4 and some X11 libraries.
Alternatives to Skype for video chat on a desktop PC? Ugh. Google
Hangouts, if it works, or the WebRTC support that's gradually making
its way into some browsers. Anyone got any better ideas?
E. Liddell
Thanks for the pointer to apulse. It installed okay, but the command
"apulse skype" complains "unable to open slave". So I have to check
modules and maybe ALSA settings.