On Thursday 17 September 2020 09:09:37 am Slávek Banko via tde-users wrote:
"GIT" link should point at the most-used interface to the currently
active source control repository (or at a subsidiary page explaining why
there's more than one). Anyone who knows how to use a source control
system will be able to get to the commit history from there. People who
don't understand source control won't understand what a "Commit
link means. It's something for developers to bookmark, not something
that needs to be presented to everyone.
Regarding Commit history, I dare to disagree. GIT (CGit and Gitea) are a
clear choice for developpers. But Commit history, on the other hand, I
consider a very good simplification for ordinary users. I observe this on
my colleague, who never looks into GIT, but uses Commit history to quickly
and easiely look at current activity in the source code. That's why I find
Commit history a useful thing.
As a user all I ever use is Commit history. And I hate projects that
say 'look at git.'
Impersonating an ‘average user,’ “What the fuck is git? Screw this I’ll find
something else!”
And while I’m on the topic of git, please, never, ever, put user documentation
in git. Utter fail. Users are the best source of keeping user docs up to
date, force them to use git, or similar, and they take a walk from the entire
project (unless they are forced to use it).
If someone has a friend who does UIX, please have them look at the final
change proposal.
Best All,