Hi Thierry,
Am Samstag 25 August 2018 schrieb Thierry de Coulon:
When I accidentaly roll my mouse wheel when the
pointer is over the
desktop pager, it changes desktop (I suppose it's the intended
In the pager's option there is a checkbox about changing desktop with the
wheel when the pointer is over the desktop background (and it works).
Is there a setiing to block this wheel beaviour also on the page?
I'm also not sure what you mean by "page". In case you mean desktop, there
is a control in:
TDE control center -> Desktop -> Multiple Desktops -> checkbox: "Mouse
wheel over desktop background switches desktop"
Maybe, I'm only guessing here, that's what you're looking for.
Kind regards,
Also there is a simpler way.
Just right-click on the desktop pager itself, look for *pager options*, and
unclick the box that reads "cycle on wheel".