On Wed, May 06, 2015 at 12:23:58PM +0100, Lisi Reisz wrote:
Yesterday I filed a wish-bug. I am very conscious of
what is involved and of
how precious the developer effort and time is. The person who told me to ask
said that it would be quick and easy, but quick and easy are both very
subjective words.
Here is the bug report again:
Unfortunately, for some reason I can't view the screen shot, but I think
I know what you are referring to.
I think you mean that Kmail displays HTML emails as raw HTML code, like
the "View Source" in a web browser, full of < > tags and other
formatting information. Is that what you mean?
I must say I've never noticed that when I was using Kmail, but I'm
currently using mutt almost exclusively.
It might be helpful to mention how mutt deals with HTML mail. Of course,
being mutt, nearly everything is configurable, but this is how I have it
set up: when an email contains both a plain text version of the message
and a html version of the message, mutt will display the plain text version.
But if the email only has a html version, mutt calls out to the "links"
text-based web browser, and gets it to dump the html message to a plain
text version. links knows how to extract the message content, ignoring
irrelevant tags and formatting information. "lynx" is another text-only
browser capable of a similar html-to-text dump. In either case, all you
see is the plain text, with no <tags>.
Is that what you are after?
My own feeling is that any graphical email client should show the plain
text message (when available), and if not available, you should have a
choice between showing the html message either formatted and rendered in
all it's glory (or horror), or as plain text with the formatting