On Saturday 13 July 2024 03:17:10 Dr. Nikolaus Klepp via tde-users wrote:
Anno domini 2024 Sat, 13 Jul 02:37:36 -0700
William Morder via tde-users scripsit:
On Saturday 13 July 2024 02:18:22 Dr. Nikolaus
Klepp via tde-users wrote:
> dmesg -w
You'd look for lines containing error or really weird formated sections
from kernel modules crashing or stuff like /dev/sda timout or something
like that.
Aside from the warnings about missing firmware, I can find nothing that seems
My hard drive partitions do not follow the sda (etc.) format, but are rather
like this: nvme0n1p2, nvme0n1p3, etc.
I am beginning to think that I will have to try another reinstallation, but it
will have to wait until tomorrow evening sometime. In the meanwhile, I'll
keep looking for a way to solve the problem like this.
And by the way, my laptop is only about two years old, and I bought a 2 tb
SSD to put in it. That hard drive is very full, though, because I've been
busy, and haven't had time to sit and transfer files to external drives, or
to delete the excess. Could that be the problem? that the hard drive is too
full? (Seriously, a 2 tb hard drive, with maybe 30 gb left! I have the space
on external drives, just no time.)
As for the offer of your system image, I did try one of them before, but the
Refracta installer doesn't work so well for me. I know we both run Devuan,
but we do things differently. I would, however, like to create an image of my
own system, for times just like this.