On Sun December 20 2020 20:01:01 Michael wrote:
I usually just use bash/rsync/tarballs for rotating
backups, so if you have
a favorite guide on how you guys setup your mirrors, please send me it's
I just run rsync and then sleep 10800. If things are real busy before a
release I sleep 1800 instead.
Our servers all have a line for perpetual jobs in /etc/inittab so we
don't worry about the job dying and not respawning:
My bash script looks like this. You may prefer something a bit different.
Check with Slávek whether he prefers secondaries to pull from
tde-mirror.yosemite.net or whether he has an alias in his DNS that he
would prefer you to use.
su --shell=/bin/bash --command='(date; time
rsync --bwlimit='"${BWLIMIT}"' -aHv --delay-updates --delete
--delete-after --max-delete=5000 '"${AUX}"'
'"${EXCLUSIONS}"' '"${SRC}"'
df -h /ARCHIVE/TDE; date) 2>&1 | mail someaddress(a)yosemite.net -s "TDE
Sync"' -- www-data; sleep 10800
Mirrors are not expected to be perfect or secure. Missing files are
handled by a redirector and corrupted files are handled by signatures.
Then you'd need to configure your server to provide the files via at
least http and maybe also rsync. When ready tell Slávek and he'll
add you to the mirror list.
I also monitor my mirror with Nagios and a cronjob sends me a simple
daily status report with output from df and some checks on the
secondary mirrors.