Hi All,
In a boneheaded move, I ended up deleting quite a few of my .config files
(user/.trinity/…) and while I’ve restored/fixed almost everything back to the
way it was, I can’t seem to re-figure out how I used a mouse click in
keyboard shortcuts.
I had this working globally:
{Windows Key} + {left mouse click} = Minimize application under mouse cursor
If you get use to it, it’s insanely useful and much easier than tracking down
each app’s minimize button.
# # #
I thought I had originally set it up in the Trinity Control Center:
Trinity Control Center >> Regional & Accessibility >> Keyboard Shortcuts
(Global Shortcuts >> Windows >> Minimize Window)
But I can’t get that to take a mouse click in the “Configure Shortcut” popup.
{Windows Key} + {space} works.
AFAIK I didn’t install anything else to do this:
michael@local [~/.trinity/share]# which file xbindkeys xdotool xautomation
easystroke xev
# # #
So a couple questions:
- Does the “Configure Shortcut” popup take mouse clicks for anyone else?
- Can anyone point me in the right direction on what I need to dig back into
to restore/fix it’s config so mouse clicks can be use in keyboard shortcuts
Thanks All,