I stumbled across this from the TDE, Devuan Wiki page, and unfortunately I
don’t have enough knowledge of Debian to know what a proper fix, or
additional wording for a clarification, for these would be.
Section: 4.1 Fresh R14.0.x installation
lists TDE v3.5.13.2 instructions…
(I can’t really tell, but I think a header got left out?)
Section: 4.2 Upgrading from an existing R14.0.x or
v3.5.13.x installation
has the command, “sudo aptitude full-upgrade”
Per Googling, “full-upgrade is the former dist-upgrade”
“such as the change from one major Debian version to the next, you need to use
apt full-upgrade”
Whatever the correct instructions are, is being forced to upgrade from
say ‘7.x - wheezy’ to ‘9.x - stretch’ accurate? But, that does seem to
directly conflict with the information presented in “1.1 R14.0.x series,”
which implies I can stay on ‘7.x - wheezy’ and install R14x.
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Would someone add some additional appropriate information to that page? And
if the distribution upgrade is a requirement, also add some really ‘bold’