E. Liddell composed on 2018-02-19 19:15 (UTC-0500):
On Mon, 19 Feb 2018 16:49:16 -0500 Felix Miata
For me, the wiki page above is quite sufficient,
once the target
distro installation has been completed. The harder part is finding
that page in the first place. From
https://wiki.trinitydesktop.org/Trinity_Desktop_Environment it's
not obvious to me that
Main page
Recent changes
is how to eventually find it. The left column on that page needs to
be wider so that the link is not split over two lines when its font
is forced to a legible size.
How large a font size do you need for this to be "legible" to you?
I'm asking as the person who created the modified skin for the TDE
wiki--I assumed that 11pt bold Arial/Libre Sans would be sufficient
for most people using a normal-sized screen (that is, not a phone or
very small tablet), but if a lot of people are having problems, I
might have to see about revising it.
11pt physical would be a fine and dandy size in that context, but
specifying 11pt in any "current" web browser other than one using the
KHTML engine gets you 11px, which can be vastly different from 11pt,
depending on screen density. CSS since 2.1 or thereabouts made the px
unit exactly equal to the pt unit, making spec-compliant browsers
unable to specify accurate physical sizes unless physical screen
density is equal to 96 DPI. KHTML (Konq) never complied with this
spec, while Gecko browsers do offer a workaround for those willing to
write custom rules using its proprietary mozmm unit.
If you s/11pt/.917rem/ in #mw-navigation on screen.css:64 you should
get a close approximation of 11pt "physical" size if the near
universal default 16px/12pt remains in effect in the browser in use,
and if you are using any moderately recent 100% spec-compliant browser
(which excludes Konq, which has no rem unit support).
However, as long as you retain the 170px sidebar width, you'll find
the same problem with overflow I see here as the user's screen density
deviates above 96 DPI. s/170px/10.625rem/ for div#mw-panel in
screen.css:590 might be enough to fix the sidebar width, but doing
that would undoubtedly create need for other sizing rule adjustments.
http://fm.no-ip.com/SS/KDE/tdeCSS20180219.gif shows what I see. 11px
CSS equates to 30.25% of my browser's default 12pt (20px) size.
To put that into further perspective, running firefox on wheezy with
1920x1080 screen, I have to hit the ctrl+ 6 times to get it up to a
really comfortable reading size on the wiki's front page for these old
eyes. It starts out with characters nominally 3/32" tall. Readable if I
lean in to bring my trifocals into focus, but not pleasantly so.
Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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