On 06/28/2012 06:08 PM, Calvin Morrison wrote:
Lou Gogan wrote:
Is there a different installation page with
instructions of how to
obtain a
working version of trinity? Is there a working
I strongly suggest Slavek's packages. I have deployed them on all of my
systems with great success.
Part of his point was that the installation instructions on the website do
not result in a working system. This is something we talked about here
several months ago, and nothing has been done about it. Repeating what I
said then, how many people do you think have found the website, tried to
install Trinity according to the instructions there, ended up with a
hopelessly buggy system and a lot of time wasted, and will never try
Trinity again? Lou is one of a tiny minority who have come to the mailing
list looking for help -- many, many more simply go away quietly.
How hard would it really be to fix the website? What would it take -- 20
minutes? And how many are there here who are perfectly capable of doing it
if given access? It would move the project from a few developers and
die-hard dedicated groupies, to an actual viable DE that anyone can install
and use. I would've thought that would be a pretty high priority, but what
do I know?
I was not really aware of this problem as I use Porteus, David Hare's Exe, or
an older version of PCLinuxOS with KDE 3.5.10 (and Bodhi with E17).
I have to agree that this is an absolutely crazy situation and does Trinity no
good whatsoever. I assume that the situation is as described. (It seems so
bizarre that I feel compelled to state this disclaimer.)
+1 for fixing it.