Bryan Baldwin wrote:
Operating systems like GNU and Android, that use the
Linux kernel have
taken over every single market into which they have been introduced, except
the desktop. Vendor lock in is and has been the only bar preventing mass
I think that Apple, which owns the iPhone, might have something to say about
Android having "taken over" the smart phone market.
The fact that
we are free to digress and disagree is why I like open
source so much. Take away that freedom and we might as well all use
I agree with you completely. What you are saying that you value your
freedom most. If that's true, stop endorsing "open source". "Open
is a greasy weaselly term invented by individuals trying very hard to
endear themselves to businessmen and financiers that do not want to leave
our freedom alone and unmolested.[3] LUGs are filled to the brim with
trendy hipsters jumping around and regurgitating "open source" vomit and
attacking anyone who advocates the value of freedom with ideas like
diversity in desktop environment is hurting the adoption of GNU+Linux. It's
nonsense. It just isn't true.
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