Sid sources are in your list! Unless you did some manual apt-preferences
or apt-pinning configs, you get sid, not wheezy! if you already had some
wheezy you get a mix, harder to maintain than straight sid.
@ Russell, apt-get -f install might help, try that first. Now you are
probably running amixed testing/unstable system, you will learn much
more about fixing apt conflicts!
And watch out with deb-multimedia, there has always been stuff (e.g.
ffmpeg) in there that can cause dependency conflicts with official
Debian packages. It's better to install only needed selected packages
then disable it. Dist-upgrading on testing/sid with that repo enabled is
asking for trouble.
I have not tried TDE on Wheezy,
That said I would use a official Debian mirror for Wheezy only
Do you know exactly what has changed in TDE 3.5.13 that no longer
requires some squeeze packages? Last time I installed wheezy+ 3.5.13
they definitely were needed (I don't have the list to hand right now of
exactly what packages)