Anno domini 2024 Thu, 12 Sep 23:55:51 +0000
dep via tde-users scripsit:
So, before trying the correct method (which is
strangely made difficult by my maching now refusing to boot from USB for no reason I can
find), I thought I would try to switch to Debian via a strange recipe that probably
won't work:…
That's an interesing way to make yourself a busy day. Reason_ in contrast to e.g.
FreeBSD the sysadmin tools on linux are not available in a static linked version, You may
end up cutting the branch you sit on (and yes, it happened to me).
I assume you have made a full backup of your users data?
Problem is the Debian pubkey, which does not exist on my machine. The keyring stuff in
the recipe does not, best I can tell, resemble current reality. Of course, without it the
whole apt-get business explodes in a cloud of unsignedness.
Anybody know where I can get the Debian pubkey?
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