Something about flatpak seems a little hinky to me -- Ubuntu is getting too heavily into
data collection lately, and flatpak seems part of it, though I haven't researched it
fully; too much to do and Ubuntu avoidance is easy.
Best I can tell, appimage is a little more pristine, at least for now. Which is fortunate
-- just found and installed the appimage for IPTVnator, which is likeHypnotix but written
in electron. Appimage was a good way to try it out. When I liked it I d/led the .deb
which, mirabile dictu, installed uneventfully (so I can now watch Iran TV about the
helicopter crash there that seems to have killed high government officials there today; I
need a Farsi mental appimage to understand it, though).
Here, if it's of interest to anyone:
To populate it:
Of course if you get an appimage you need to set it as executable in its properties before
you can run it.
As I said, it seems ceteris paribus better than flatpak, though I could be wrong.