On Sunday 19 July 2020 07:21:09 pm Michael
> This seems too easy.
> ###########
> by dolphin_oracle » Sun Jul 19, 2020 12:05 pm
> the files that we use to define what's in
> mx-packageinstaller->popular apps are XML files. there are even
> places for screenshots, pre and post install scripts if extra steps
> are needed, like adding repos.
> ###########
> I found 4 examples with external repositories
>posi tory &unscoped_q=repository
> To me ‘spotify_64.pm’ seems the closest match to what I believe
> we’d want. ‘airvpn.pm’ is the most complex, probably good for
> example/reference. In any event I copy/pasted/edited what I could
> (attached as tde_64.pm). Which probably needs to go into the TDE
> git somewhere.
> Things that definitely need checking:
> - <installable> architecture(s) (I picked 64, not completely sure
> that’s correct).
> - method/place for # Import GPG signing key. (needs review by MX
> dev). - when to use sudo and when it’s not needed (got no real clue
> why some commands use it).
> - <description> needs an official English description and then as
> many translations as we can do.
> We also need a TDE developer to interface with dolphin_oracle
> directly for the ‘official’ request to add it to their system.
> Anything else I can help with let me know,
> Michael
- Updated .pm per dolphin_oracle comments.
- Could use newer screenshot(s) posted to:
- -
- - All those are from 2014.
- - If at all possible do one similar to
https://www.trinitydesktop.org/media/screenshots/large/tde1.png so
that it includes the full, visible, "The Trinity Desktop is a full
software desktop..." paragraph. (but possibly I don’t understand the
use of that screenshot, so maybe not?)
- .pm should be renamed to tde.pm if TDE is all architecture.
> ###########
by dolphin_oracle » Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:13 pm
you don't need sudo anywhere. the script runs elevated already.
if your packages are 64bit only, the 64 is appropriate. If you also
have 32 bit packages, then "all" is appropriate.
you will want to run an apt-get update in the post-uninstall area
since you are removing a list. typically I don't remove list files
unless there is a chance of some conflict, in which case they should
not be left enabled at all. (deb-multimedia is an example here, good
packages, but leaving the repo enabled is bad for mx).
for the key, download into /tmp instead of /root. remove the
temporary downloaded deb after install.
we prefer the deb-src entries to be commented out by default. our
debian.list file is a good example.
> ###########
@ screenshots: there where a number of newer ones on the site, too. I
remember that some of my FreeBSD box where there, too, as TDE does
quite nicely on FreeBSD these days. Don't know when they vanished,
where and why.