On Saturday 25 June 2016 14.21:50 Istvan Gabor wrote:
I've been using openSUSE with KDE3 for several years. Recently I installed
trinity (last stable) on openSUSE 13.1. I am very satisfied with it so far.
The only thing I miss know is how start menu items are organized. In
openSUSE they are organized into submenus in 2 or 3 levels (eg
System/Archiving/*, System/Desktop/* etc). Unfortunately trinity doesn't
have this leveling, most programs are put under one main menu item. Eg the
program lists in System menu almost fills my whole screen. Which files do
I have to modify to have openSUSE type menu categories? Is it enough to
adjust a file in /etc/xdg/menus or do I have to modify every single
.desktop files belonging to the given applications, or something else?
Hello Istvan,
You can do it yourself: right click on TDE menu icon -> Configure Panel ->
select "Menus" on the left, and click "Edit_TDE Menu"
Create the submenus you want, drag and drop the items you want in it.
Everyone has his own idea how the start menu should be organised - I don't so
much care myself as I seldom use it - what I always need is in the Panel.