On 07/02/2012 08:10, Timothy Pearson wrote:
06/02/2012 22:52, Timothy Pearson wrote:
>>> If you build from GIT you need to build and install each
>>> component in
>>> sequence. Trying to mix and match non-GIT modules with GIT modules
>>> will
>>> not work.
>> Of course. But that's _exactly_ what I've done, a number of times
>> and
>> on
>> wheezy and squeeze. I've followed the build order on the wiki, as
>> I've
>> always done.
>> What mixing and matching do you think I've done? I'm using the
>> latest
>> source from git (unless there is more than one git repository).
> I just did a rebuild from GIT on Ubuntu and Debian a few days ago
> with
> no
> problems. Given the nature of the problem you encountered (having to
> rename things that were already renamed in GIT some time ago) it
> seems
> as
> if some old header files or similar are present somewhere on your
> system.
> If this is not the case then I really have no idea why it won't
> compile
> for you--it works 100% here.
> Tim
How odd. Ok, I suspect a git issue (of my making) somewhere along the
line. Not sure how though.
Ahh! Being away from my normal box I did a complete git clone
blindly the 'Trinity Project GIT Information' page. I guess that's out
of date now?*
It's not often I'm right but I'm wrong again!
Try running the ./scripts/switch_all_submodules_to_head_and_clean
mentioned on the GIT help page. If you did have a local GIT problem
you were unlucky enough to check out while I was pushing a large
changeset) that command will fix it.
Oh, I'm definitely unlucky enough :)
I'll keep trying.
Well, it's got the better of me, I think I'll give
lxde a go, anything's
better than kde4.