On 2019-07-21 18:22:10 Mike Bird wrote:
On Sun July 21 2019 12:14:48 J Leslie Turriff
For quite a while now I've been unable to
use TDEsu to open utilities
that require root access, e.g. TDM configuration. TDEsu freezes after
I enter the root password and press Enter.
I see only one problem with your file permissions. tdesud should be
setgrp in the nogroup group, not the root group.
tdesu is not designed for command line use. It is a graphical interface
which uses /bin/su behind the scenes.
Does su (or sudo) work for you from the command line?
What happens if you click - T-menu / Trinity Control Center / System
Administration / Monitor and Display - and enter your root password?
I only issued the tdesu call from the command line to see if there were
any error messages from it. my command was tdesu -u root -c yast2
su and sudo both work; they do not depend on any Trinity components.
The same problem occurs if I try to invoke any component of kControl
that requires the root password. The TDEsu dialog opens, but after
entering the password it locks up.
After changing the group ownership and adding the sgid bit to tdesud,
the same thing happens.
I have a VERY OLD note that KDE/TDE defaults to using su instead of sudo
and that can cause issues in some instances. You can change kdesu to use
sudo instead with the following:
kwriteconfig --file kdesurc --group super-user-command --key
super-user-command sudo
(you change back by using su instead of sudo in the above)
I have not had trouble in the past few years, but it is worth a test.