Hmmm.... that certainly sounds reasonable.
Could you test it out on your PC and let us
know the results?
:-) :-) :-)
--- Original Message ---
From: Calvin Morrison <mutantturkey(a)>
To: trinity-users(a)
Subject: Re: [trinity-users] Doing Non-Destructive Installations?
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2014
Honestly I don't think you'll lose your data, as long as you choose
not to reformat it. I can't imagine a scenario where they do a full
disk wipe
On 12 April 2014 10:37, Tini <trin(a)> wrote:
I did a quick check, my local shop sells 'HGST
Touro Mobile' XHDD
for $55. So, I'll grab one next week and backup all of my home files
(shoulda did that already) and then install the new OS.