said Mag. Dr. Nikolaus Klepp:
| > this is really strange. following a reboot, things seem okay
| > again, but then it starts up and goes to the point where
| > everything is unusable. this with (k)ubuntu 12.04.
| >
| > not accusing TDE -- i try to keep current on all upgrades, so
| > some other "fix" might be to blame. just thought there might be a
| > changed default or something that i needed to reconfigure.
| You'd better do a complete reinstall and purge your .trinity
| folder. I had a simillar thing on debian squeeze 2 (?) years ago. I
| never found out what caused the "remapping". The only cure was a
| vomplete reistallation (and double checking that no KDE4 packages
| got installed in the first place - but that's not imortant any
| more, at least on wheezy).
one hopes there's a more subtle solution!
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