Seems like it ought to be easy enough, especially as it's never happened
before, if memory serves me.
It's just that there are some folders I don't ever use, or which I have
already named myself; for example, my folders have always been named in lower
case, but now Konqueror is trying to do my thinking for me, so it has created
duplicate empty folders such as Music, Templates, Videos, etc., whereas mine
are named music, templates, videos, without the upper case. It doesn't rename
my folders, or mess with them, it just adds folders that I don't need, have
never used, and don't want, but whenever I try to delete them, Konqueror
immediately recreates these folders again.
I don't know how I got it like this, as I set up my system like this back in
about the years 2006-2008, when I was running KDE3. I want to keep things as
I had them. I don't want these duplicates, and don't want just to surrender
and rename all my folders in upper case, because that means I would have to
go searching through my system for changed file paths.
Anybody have a clue how to change this behavior in Konqueror? Thanks for any
help or suggestions!