Timothy, can you reveal any numbers, like how much was collected or how much is missing?
Dnia czwartek, 5 stycznia 2017, Timothy Pearson napisał:
A big Thank You for participating in our end of year fundraiser for 2016.
Your contributions were much appreciated, and will help to keep TDE
The total received only came to a small fraction of the operating costs
for the TDE core services, so we will probably be running another
fundraiser this spring and exploring options in terms of disconnecting or
downgrading certain services to lower operating costs.
We do have several incentives to make an annual contribution. At the $200
level or above (per year) we will allow access to our up-to-date builds of
Raspbian with TDE preinstalled, along with other goodies. As before, if
you have a particularly nasty bug you want fixed, a good way to get
attention is to offer a contribution in exchange for the fix -- proceeds
go to keeping TDE online and available for all to use.
Thank you again for your support!
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