Hi Nik,
Am 18.Mar.2021 um 20:00 schrieben Sie:
Just in case anybody runs into the "libreoffice has no
menubar"-problem: installing dbus-x11 will bring the menubar back.
An other thing that you might run ointo: libreoffice by default uses
x11 fallback interface, which is exceptionally ugly. You have to
install "libreoffice-gtk3" and set "SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk3" in
.profile to get a reasonably usabe GUI. (libreoffice-qt5 breaks any
kind of printing from libreoffice)
If I remember right, you have installed an appimage Libreoffice 7.2.
Well. that's as far as I can see an "alpha" release. And alpha
means.... oh don't expect much out of it.
I however, as I wrote a week ago, use the official release
(fresh) from the LO-website and have not encountered ANY problem, even
printing goes flawlessly.
What's more, in the whole package there is no LO-gtk3 or LO-qt5
subpackage mentioned separately. Installing with "dpkg -i *.deb"
doesn't ask for additional dependencies to be solved, everything is on
I wonder, what a VLCPLUGIN has to do with LO?
Regards Peter.,