On 9/27/24 11:07 PM, dep via tde-users wrote:
Thanks. It arrived today. Rehearsing the procedure I
hope to employ
tomorrow when I install it. The Raspberry Pi 5 devices have spoiled me for
very quick boots, and the Debian boot seems very long, probably because so
much of it is blank screen, just long enough to seem as if something has
gone wrong.
Raspberry Pi board do tend to spoil you. I've not played with the latest, but
have probably a 1/2 dozen Pico/Pico W boards (RP2040) that are pretty amazing.
I've got 3b and 3b+ and a couple of Zero 2 W (which are equally amazing).
Using the PiOS installer makes preparing the SD cards (and configuring the
wireless so it works out of the box). Zero 2 W's are still on bullseye (one
64-bit one 32-bit install -- if you get a Zer0 2 W -- stick with 32-bit, it's
about 2X as fast -- but you lose Arm8 assembly to play with)
The Pi 4 and 5 are on my get to list. I've also used a number of TI boards and
the Milkv-Duo which runs busybox as the OS (RISC based). It is the same
format/size as the Pico but with 64M DDR2 RAM (verses 2M for the Pico). The
Zero 2 W comes with 512M and runs full Debian fine (don't load firefox or
chromium -- they run, but s l o w l y.... The LXDE (or LXQt - whatever it is)
desktop also works fine -- but I run mine headless.
I look forward to your book -- we've all held the wrong drive in the hand once
or twice. I was fortunate not to have to worry about hot-swapping in the early
days, nothing I had had it. I've got two SuperMicro boxes (a 4U and 2U) that
do have hot-swap back-planes for SAS/SATA drives -- that will spoil you.
Simply grab the caddy and yank -- while the box is running. That indeed is a
neat trick :)
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.