On Wednesday 12 December 2018 01:55:53 Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
Am Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2018 schrieb deloptes:
> Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
> > If you are a "luck" person and you run Windooz10, then you find
> > that this multi gadget protocol is broken since ~ 1 year ... hail
> > progress!
> don't know why corp is doing windows - I think it is pure burning of
> money ... I got one v10 few months ago and it is still laying on my
> desk unused.
Corporate has been to MDA school, and the first two things they teach is
how to break the law w/o getting caught, and always have somebody to sue
if things don't work. Never ever admit the failure was yours to own.
But I have no
idea how this is working with cameras there. The corp
is paying for it to stay there on the desk and do some work. It is
doing it more or less good on its own. I alaways have to repeat
myself what Linuz Torvald said about it - something like a very good
company, but the problem is they make crappy software.
So ... times go by and some things never change - amazing.
"From history we learn that we learn nothing from history" ... was
the favorit saying of my history teacher back at school.
I'd observe that he was smarter by far than the average bear. Applying
the cold light of day to both his own studies, and to his students. The
best kind of teacher, and we need lots more like that teaching STEM!
Cheers, Gene Heskett
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