On Saturday 07 September 2024 23:37:10 Mike Howard via tde-users wrote:
Hi Bill,
It does sound like a faulty laptop motherboard, i.e. the sata connection.
When running from your usb install, what does 'dmesg' report after you
have plugged in either of the problematic ssd drives?
If you get some new output from 'dmesg' you should be able to determine
the drive letter/assignment and use 'fdisk' to re-partition.
It's unlikely that both ssd drives and both adapters are faulty so the
laptop loooks like the culprit and a faulty internal sata connection may
have messed with the drives format but accessing via usb should enable
some sort of recovery. Having said that, we have no idea _exactly_ what
has happened to cuase your issues.
Hi Mike,
Is it possible to replace the SATA connection without replacing the whole
As I mentioned in another response, first I will find another machine or way
of testing these SSDs, and if it seems that they can be used, then I might
think about buying replacement parts for the laptop.
It's only 2+ years old! I can afford to keep buying new machines every couple
years. That's why I started building my own machines. But building desktops,
and scrounging for old parts, or finding suppliers of low-cost replacement
parts, used to be easy.
Doing the same thing with laptops is harder for me; mainly because they are
small, and I have big clumsy hands, and also my near-vision eyesight is
gradually getting worse. Bifocals are hard to use for close work; I would
almost have to get special reading glasses.