nik@somehost:/just/the/path /where/i/want/it
And that works, once I had done a "sudo chown -R gene:gene /sshnet"
ls -l's now work on /sshnet/shop. With my pw. Expected, I am limited to
what I own on shop, but thats a heck of a lot better than before. I'll
get all the details together in a script. I assume we still have an
expect util I can feed with my pw yet? I haven't looked lately, as in
5+ years & several installs ago. To late in the night here, or too
early in the morning to spend a lot of time on it until I've found some
more sleep.
Hi Gene!
There's something better than expect:
$ ssh-copy-id nik@remotehost
and from there I can log into nik@remotehost without password. "ssh-copy-id"
appends your local "~/.ssh/" to the remote users
Thanks Nik.
and unmount:
fusermount -u /where/i/want/it
I'll let reboots do that. :)
Cheers, Gene Heskett
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