Dne čt 17. září 2020 Michael via tde-users napsal(a):
Trinity" has the same destination as "Releases".
"Get Trinity" is better UIX, drop "Releases" if you have too.
"Support" has the same destination as
You want both links and while going to the same place is fine,
"Support" really should go to a summary page that lists the email lists,
where to file code bug reports, where to submit website bug reports, ...
If it’s not already there, a TLM of “How you can help” linking to a
summary page of all the ways anyone (dev or user) can help TDE is really
desirable. There (should!) be too many items under this, so do not have
any sub-menus.
Hmm, this like the "Development" link could go the a wiki page, so that
it can be maintained easier. (Plus the wiki already has link-able TOCs)
It is quite clear that the Get Involved link does not belong to
Development! Get Involved should cover all topics - user and developer. It
probably belongs in the Home section. Again - thank you Michael for your