Hi Lisi!
Am Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2017 schrieb Lisi Reisz:
I have downloaded the Debian package big-cursor (I
have sadly given up on
comixcursors for now - I'll try again in Stretch). It is definitely there:
brian@Linux:/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc$ locate big-cursor
But I cannot find a way of persuading Trinity Control Centre mouse themes to
see it.
Any suggestions? Or any other suggestions as to how I can get a large,
preferably red, cursor (but any large one will do) in Debian 8 and Trinity
The "big-cursor"-package does not work out of the box (any more), I'm
Please install "xcursor-themes" and this line to your ~/.Xresources:
Xcursor.size: 48
When you restart TDE, the ~/.Xresources are usually loaded automaticly.
When you restart TDE, all good X11 apps have a 48 pixel cursor. That implies, all GNOME
and GTK based stuff does not! So let's try to fix GNOME ingenuity:
Install "dconf-cli" and "lxappearance", set the cursor size for GTK3
apps (you could also edit ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini my hand):
$ dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/interface/cursor-size 48
this will not fix things like terminator/firefox/..., some apps like zim will partly work.
Let's fix some GTK2 stuff:
$ lxappearance
Select whatever you like, but you cannot set the cursor size there. This has to be done
$ kate ~/.gtkrc-2.0
Edit the line with gtk-cursor-theme-size:
Now you know why I hate GNOMEs so much ... Anyway, restart TDE and everything should use
48 pixel cursor.
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA,
CIA ...