said Dr. Nikolaus Klepp via tde-users:
| IMO you need all these 3 places to be changed - note: use a valid
| Xcursor theme name if you want to change it from default:
| ~/.Xresources:
| ! Xcursor.theme: default
| Xcursor.size: 48
| ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini:
| gtk-cursor-theme-name=Adwaita
| gtk-cursor-theme-size=48
| ~/.gtkrc-2.0:
| gtk-cursor-theme-name="Adwaita"
| gtk-cursor-theme-size=48
I don't seem to have an Xresources, hidden or otherwise, nor could "locate"
locate it. Stranger, while "locate" can find .gtkrc in both 1.2 and
several kinds of 2.0 flavors -- neither mc nor konqueror can find any of
them! I did get 'em to open in an editor by feeding 'em the name.
Anyway, I made those changes where I could find them. (What's the
corresponding TDE config file? I can change the theme but not the size.)
Also found a couple of interesting cursor themes. One is "Oxygen Vivid
Red," which I think I'll settle upon. LibreOffice won't display it,
dropping back to the standard black (though the size does change). The
other is a thing called "Ultimate Edition Chameleon Fantastic," which is
briefly amusing. But I can't change the cursor theme in LibreOffice, other
than size! Maddening.