On Monday 09 September 2024 21.19:12 dep via tde-users wrote:
My experience has been that SSDs ain't soup yet.
Which is to say that in my experience the damned things are too delicate
for use other than in a big raid, where they can be yanked and tossed when
they fail.
They might be food for something, maybe fast buffering or something, but
until they can be made more robust they're a lot less safe than mechanical
hard drives, imho.
While I would certainly not pretend this (horror) story is an exception, and
possibly here in Switzerland we have a better power net, I've been running on
SSDs and Nvme's on my main machines for a few years with no such experience
(and many of these drives are second hand).
But one thing remains: with solid state disks you can have a "healthy" disc
today and wake up tomorrow with a dead one, no dying symptom.
My solution for my main machine is that I purchased three identical nvmes
(128GB, cheap because everyone wnats big drives now). One is in the machine,
two are in USB enclosures. The drive contains /, home and a data partition
with important files. "Backup" is made by cloning to one of the USB drives
(takes less than 15 minutes).
Other, less valuable data are on a 1TB SSD.
So your mileage may vary, but I did not have such trouble with solid state
data support.