On Sat, Jan 16, 2021 at 07:19:08PM -0500, BorgLabs -
Kate Draven wrote:
Big Daddy's initial install is about 10 or
less GBs.
Who or what is Big Daddy?
It's likely the differences you're seeing
are do to some form of
customization? It may be the faster one has some kind of boot
Time for boot up (power on to appearance of the wall paper where you can
click to get a login prompt) is about the same on both machines.
It's the login itself which is wildly different: virtually instantaneous
on one machine, long enough for me to make a coffee on the other.
If so I'd like to know. Could be handy.
Investigate, the collect requires this information!
I doubt I will be able to do much investigation, they are work machines,
I have limited access to them (no more than two days per week) and
neither the time nor inclination to spend hours dissecting the fine
details of their configurations.
But if I do happen to find out anything useful, I'll let you know.
This is Alistair Izzard's Trinity Desktop roll of PC Linux OS
It's a great distro, give it a go.
The diff in login could be a matter of security. One may have more steps.
So it's likely not related to the machine or OS.
Any info would be useful. I, sadly, know a few windows users.
Yes, I know, I shouldn't be associating with those kind of people. Still they
are good people.