J Leslie Turriff wrote:
Not sure what to do with this one:
| CWBR;71;049;B, R;;Canada;4;66-02N;091-50W;;;31;;
66°2'N, 91°50'W, according to mapquest, is in the middle of Siberia(!) and
"B, R" isn't much of a name. :-) Any thoughts?
Just leave it and don't bother - incorrect or incomplete information is out
of scope and will be ignored
can you please have a look at my last commits
I would appreciate a mapping such as
if the name of the station needs to be somehow corrected add it
so for example
CYFB;;CA_NT;Iqaluit, N. W. T.
CYZF;;CA_NT;Yellowknife, N. W. T.
and if you know if the station is active, dead or decommissioned mark it as
none (the empty field assumes status is unknown and station will be
for example
exists in the original NSD file, but Stefan found out they are decomissioned
this will be enough to update the station_names.txt needed to generate
stations.dat and weather_stations.desktop correctly
thank you in advance