On Mon, 26 Dec 2016, Gene Heskett wrote:
I have or had a paypal account that I haven't used recently, as in 45
days or so, but all of my attempts to login and donate, I am always
stuck at the spinning wheel wait screen, either after hitting enter
using ff's password linked phrase, or clearing the and re-entering it
by hand. Same result.
Let us hope it's because PayPal is so busy with everyone making
donations to Trinity! :-)
(BTW, I did a donation to Trinity via PayPal right after receieving
Tim's second notice (Thanks for the reminder, Tim),and it Just Went
Through w/o a hitch.)
Cheers and thank you Timothy,
Happy New Year everyone, and Good Fortune to Timothy and Trinity!
Marvin L Jones | Marvin | W3DHJ | linux
Pueblo, Colorado | @ | Jonesy | FreeBSD __
38.238N 104.547W |
jonz.net | DM78rf | OS/2 SK