On Thursday 16 October 2014 12:39:22 E. Liddell wrote:
Hi, I'm the main designer for the site as it
Try to persuade Waitrose to give you a job. I love your site - and I have to
manage to buy my groceries every week from Waitrose. :-( (Their site is one
of my pet bugbears.)
It is so refreshing to meet a site that seems to have a priority of giving
information. If I want "pretty" I'll go to
KDE-look.org and chose a new
screensaver or background. And anyway, I think that it looks nice.
But then I like things to look functional. Compare Brunel's beautiful
suspension bridge at Clifton 1), designed by an engineer to work, with the
Millennium bridge 2), designed by an architect to look nice. It doesn't look
nice, and when people first crossed it, it swayed.
Thank you very much for your site. I hope that we are going to be allowed to
keep it!