On Sat, 8 Nov 2014, Dr. Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
Am Samstag, 8. November 2014 schrieb Felmon Davis:
hoping to drink from the font of your wisdom.
I have a NAS through which I can pipe printing via cups. it works fine
but I wonder if it wouldn't save electricity to get a dedicated print
server and only use the NAS when I am doing serious backups.
btw my problem with kpowersave not showing configuration options was
solved (sort of) by restarting /usr/sbin/hald. long for a cleaner
solution. that's a different topic.
what about NAS vs print servers?
Anything that consumes power when you do not use it is a waste of
some kind, at least of money.
yes, of course.
so the question is: would a print server consume less power?
I assume either it is not on all the time - perhaps hibernates? -, or
one can turn it on and off without damaging it? (I don't want to be
switching the NAS on and off alot.)
Felmon Davis
A friend in need is a pest indeed.