Am Samstag, 11. November 2017 schrieb dep:
Greets, folks . . .
I once loved my iPad, but Apple has made me hate and despise it, with
constant unwanted terrible updates that remove functionality and have
reduced battery life from <12 hours to >3 hours. (IoS 11 sucks so badly
that it pulls the branches off nearby trees.) I have had it with the iPad.
But I have need of a tablet.
It's been awhile since I heard anything involving Linux being put on a
tablet; for a time I had a version of Linux running on an H-P Touchpad,
which has long since died. The X support was semi-decent -- I had either or Libre Office running (very slowly) on it.
That was probably six years ago. I kind of hope that some sort of Linux/X
development has taken place, but haven't been able to learn much. Anybody
know if there has been?
And the important question: would it be possible to put TDE on it and if I
did, would it work?
I have Getac T800 in the field. Hardware works decently well, only 3 things are broken
(only 3 stages of brightness, backlight cannot be turned off, two of the case buttons
(P1+P2) have the same scancode). UEFI is an abomination, I would never use these devices
for myself. Device comes with with windows10, which is not usable at all. What's
worse: these "new" Intel atom CPUs are not faster than a EEEPC800 (on windows,
too). Only OpenGL is really OK :-) What I have seen, the hardware of intel based tablets
is about the same over all brands, which means there is not much power in it. As it comes
to TDE, it works very nice on these devices.
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA,
CIA ...