On Thursday 02 of October 2014 04:21:29 Timothy Pearson wrote:
Hi all,
on IRC recently, one user asked about the possibility of using TDE on
architecture. I took the challenge and tried to add powerpc architecture
my small builder. After solving the fundamental problem with CMake I have
successfully progressed in building more and more packages. Currently in
alternative apt source 'preliminary-stable-builds' are available almost
packages for Debian 7.x (Wheezy) on PowerPC.
Who of you has a real PowerPC hardware, you can test it!
Sounds great! How did you run the builds, with qemu or a similar
virtualization solution or some kind of cross-architecture build?
For building packages I use pbuilder and for other platforms are combined
using qemu-user-static == base image is created using qemu-debootstrap.
It's great, because it can run building on tmpfs, is not limited by the size
of memory and can fully use parallel build (DEB_PARALLEL_JOBS). This would
not be possible with full virtualization. With that builds runs acceptably
fast. And one builder builds for any of the platforms (now amd64, i386,
armhf, armel, mips, powerpc) - platform is determined by BASETGZ.
On powerpc was a problem with CMake, which crashed immediately after start. It
helped when I replace qemu-ppc-static binary in the base image by the same
binary from 32 bit qemu-user-static package.